Sunday, December 13, 2009

More pictures

Jack meeting Stenn - the first time as a family of four

Discharging from the hospital. When Stenn came home Jack showed pulled the moses basket over to Stenn and said "This is your Moses Basket Baby Stenn, this is where you will be sleeping." Then he said "Come on Stenn, come to my room. These are my toys. These are my cars. These are my trains. Sit right there, right there, right there (pointing to the chair)." So Patrick sat down with Stenn and Jack said "No STENN sit there, not Daddy!"

Jack helping to burp Stenn


Tootle Family said...

Gina, he's such a beautiful baby!!!!

Sweet little Jack! Love his personality!

Mandy said...

he's gorgeous and so snuggly! love u guys!

Sarah said...

Very sweet.

deanne said...

love it!!

jwc said...

Your boys are so precious!! I love that last photo of stenn, so stinkin' cute!!

Nicole Svendsen said...

so precious g! I think this one is going to look like you.

Pam said...

Stenn is a beautiful baby. What cute kiddos you have. I'm loving your blog. thanks so much for keeping it up.
my best to you all.

FoxE said...

Man oh man is he precious!

coriemonster said...

Patrick & Gina, my heart just melted reading "family of four"! I can't believe how lucky we are to have such a beautiful family. I feel truly blessed. Thanks for keeping up on the blog. It makes me feel like I'm right there with you.
