Sunday, December 6, 2009


My Sweetest Boy -

Two and half years ago I was given the greatest gift of my life - you. I will never forget the moment I laid eyes on you - I could not believe that you had just come out of me. What a miracle. And now, tomorrow, we will be given another gift from God - a baby brother or a baby sister. I am so excited to see who you are going to play with, be an example to, and share a life with as a sibling.

Jack I thank you for teaching me about love that is so incredibly indescribable. Everyday you make me laugh, smile, and love you more and more. I light up when I hear your little voice in the morning calling out to me. I love that the first thing you want in the morning is a snack and a snuggle. I love that you incessantly ask me questions when we are in the car. I love that you take a bow in music class every time a song is over, although no one else is bowing. I love that everything is an adventure with you. I love playing pirate ship on my bed and you asking me to buckle up with the pillows and you sing "yo po yo po a pirates life a me!" I love watching you kick a soccer ball, hit a baseball and trying so hard each week to be a good catcher! I love that you practically have an out of body experience each time you see a tractor, a train or a dinosaur. I love dancing with you and wrestling with you. I love that you tell me the choo choo train needs batteries when you see them parked in the train yard when they are not moving. I love that you get excited about EVERYTHING I get excited about - pumpkins, fall leaves, Christmas decorations, flowers, new toys, Sunday football game watching with Daddy. You LOVE life and you are only two.

God specifically gave YOU to ME and to our FAMILY. You have taught me about what it means to be a mother. You have taught me what it means to see life through a little boy's eyes. You have given me more gifts in 30 months than is even conceivable. You are my best buddy and I thank you for being my pal. Daddy and I are so thankful for you. I will miss our Jack and Mommy only times - but promise to still give that to you even though someone else is joining us. Now the three of us will pal around during the days and three of us will run to the door when Daddy gets home. I love you my sugar and I thank you for giving me everything that you give. You will always be my first born, my first everything when it comes to parenting - you are how I learn each day to be a mom. Thank you.

Your Mommy


Kate said...

So sweet G. I love it. We are praying for you today and sending you all of our love and support!

FoxE said...

So lovely Foo...Tears in my eyes!


Unknown said...

I love this G... so beautiful!!!! You're an amazing Mommy!

HBorrelli said...

Geez, the tears are flowing. What a beautiful letter to Jack. He has such a wonderful mommy.
And, you will be a wonderful mommy to your new little one too.
Luv ya!