Monday, December 7, 2009

Bad epidural!

Well the first epidural was not good. Wrong place and Gina went numb
from her chest down. She couldn't feel herself breathe or swallow. We
put her on oxygen and it was VERY scary for about an hour.

She is almost all better now and we are moving right along. She is 6 cm!

Gina's quote of the hour " this is sooo typical!"


Pam said...

OOOO sweet sweet Gina, I'm so sorry. Dagnumbit!!!

OK We're with you girl. You can do it now.

Unknown said...

Oh NO! How awful! So thankful she is ok. Praying right now everything else goes smoothly. Love you tons and so excited!!

suz said...

Oh my gosh . . .
Hang in there! It is nearly 10pm
here in chocolate town. We will
hang there with you. Praying . . .

Love you, tons. Suz, Don and Stenn!

Unknown said...

p.s. When I told Jim about what happened, he shook his head and said, and I quote, "So typical." Then I read him the actual post and what G said and he is cracking up. :) Love you, G!

boo and stacy said...

Ohhh bean dip......I'm so sorry, at least you are keeping your humor up!

We love you!!!

10 is sooooooooooo close! These last 4 should go by quickly!!!

The Brach's said...

oh goodness.....something that would have happened to me...hang in there.....they "are" professionals so she is in good hands...your almost there sweet beena....

Tootle Family said...

Oh my goodness! Unreal. So thankful she is okay. Gina, you got this!!! We're all so excited for you guys!! This is so fun to follow on your blog.

katie britton said...

Noooooooo! Ok, so that was your one gimme for complications. The rest should be cake...right?! :)

Shelly said...

Are you serious?!?! Scary, scary. You're like a Grey's Anatomy episode. Matt and I are on the edge of our seats following the blog. We love that you're posting minute by minute events!!! Love you!!!

Pam said...

O how fun all of us are just on the computer all praying and waiting for the new little Woods baby.


FoxE said...

OH FOO! I'm laughing with you...that is so typical, but thank goodness you're OK. The same thing happened to my mom with Colleen. You are such a rockstar. You can do anything!

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you Gina!!!!!!!!!!

suz said...

Hey Gina Stenn here. So sorry.
I hope it goes easy and FAST from here.
love, stenn