Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What a difference a pregnancy makes!!!!

27 weeks with Jack

27 weeks with baby #2


Nicole Svendsen said...

love your belly look great.

Shelly said...

Wow, you are so much rounder!! You look amazing. So excited for the next Woods baby to arrive!!

woods family said...

The most beautiful pregnant woman that I have ever known!

Woods Family said...

Ah, thanks hun!

Romios Family said...

Let me just say you look fabulous! I looked up my 27 week shot on my blog and let's just say compared to you I looked like I was having twins...which is, ironically what people were asking me when I was in Hawaii at 32 weeks.

boo and stacy said...

Such a pretty belly G!

Tootle Family said...

You have had cute bellies with both pregnancies!

Pam said...

Cute belly, cute baby!

Team Rillos said...

I love your lil belly G. SO fun.
Now imagine me...I look 5 months pregnant when the pregnancy test finally confirms a positive : )
Hope you are well.