Thursday, November 8, 2007

Daddy, Jack and Bumbo*

Daddy and Jack spend quality time with the Bumbo Seat

Dad, my hand, and my Bumbo - life could not be better!

Hehehe - Daddy this is fun!

Or not!

*To all those concerned about the recall of the Bumbo Seat - please note that parent supervision has been exercised during this activity! ;)


Romios Family said...

See, his thighs DO fit in the Bumbo!! :)

Woods Family said...

Yes! Yes they do! Phewwff!

Nicole Svendsen said...

Those pictures are precious...I keep thinking he must be so BIG by now--but he is just the same as Siena-How fun!

boo and stacy said...

HE IS CUTE! and so darling in the beanie.....he just might be a beanie wearer like erik and siena. CUUUUTE!! You got some great shots of that HUGE smile!!

boo and stacy said...

ohh and if Malyn's thighs fit at 4 months then jack's will FORSURE!

Shelly said...

He has the best smile! And that hat is the cutest...where ever did you find it??

Sarah said...

Yeah!! Using the Bumbo I bought (they should recall me).

Woods Family said...

shelly - the hat was nolan's (emilia's son) - sarah - recall and all - thank you for the bumbo!