Look at the excitement?

Stenn's expression is priceless in this photo! This is how reacts to Everything Halloween!

Who doesn't love a 4 year old Spiderman in a pile of fall leaves???

And you'll never believe (if you read the last post) my big boy who was COUNTING the days for Halloween to come rips off his mask, croutches down on the ground and says to me about 35 minutes in "I'm sick, I'm not well, I don't feel good!" He had not even had any candy yet! I asked him what was wrong but he couldn't explain it - he just looked miserable - we snapped a picture. He said "Mommy - just one more house and then we need to go!"

The good news is - nothing ever came from his sudden illness!!! So other than me being totally sick and on anti-bitotics (inevitable after that week with Stenn) all is calm ~ but I am not holding my breath . . .
Fun trick or treating pics! Nice work dressing up Gina!! Stenn the monkey is precious!! Lots of Spiderman running around this year. I'm sure it will hit our house at some point!
Jack's pumpkin gets my vote!!!
LOVE all the costumes (yours too Gina!!)! The boys look like they had a fantastic time, and I love that both Jack & Dane were Spidermen :-). It's so fun as they get older and choose their own costumes!!
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