Who are these two little skeletons??

If you know me - you know I LOVE FALL! On October 1st the boys and I worked tirelessly to create a Happy Halloween House! We have skeleton and eyeball lights, a gauzy ghost, a gigantic spider above the door to greet you and SO much MORE!

Last year I decided to go ALL BOY with my mantle - The boys LOVE it! It's so fun because both the boys get just as excited as I do with all the decorations! Every single time Stenn sees a Halloween decoration, whether it be in a store or around the neighborhood, as high pitched as he can he puckers his lips and lets out a HUGE "Woooooooooo" with a pointed finger to follow!

Gooooooo Torpedoes! (The banner is spelled incorrectly - apparently that's how the real Russian team spells it?)
We are so proud of Jack! Stenn's latest on the field - "Goooo Jack Gooooo!"

This is the kind of coach we have - every week Jack gets a letter in the mail filled with words of encouragement - She is amazing!

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