I love the way they set up snack for school. The children are expected to use all of the utensils and pour themselves their own juice or milk.
Sweet Harmony & Steve came to visit us at the end of the month. What a joy they both are! We took them to the railroad museum and ordered take out Italian. They are so easy and so fun. Thank you for visiting! As you can see from Stenn's clothes and accessories we like orange in this family! REMEMBER FAMILY YOU CAN CLICK ON THE PICTURES & THEY WILL GET BIGGER :)
I took the boys to see my grandpa for most likely their last time. Jack raced his scooter throughout his back yard while Stenn explored. My 96 year old grandpa, who is starting to slowly let go and is quite tired - threw the ball for Stenn three times. Such a special memory for me . . .
Baby Frankie (Robin's son) and Stenn on the blanket! Cannot believe this blue-eyed babe is almost 6 months old!!!
Jack had a field trip to the Folsom Zoo (who knew there was a Folsom Zoo)? Us on the train and the boys in front of a dear. Greatest thing about this zoo - peacocks freely roaming wherever you walk!
Jack shared his spider-man book/magnet draw at school the other day. A fantastic (always keeps him busy in the car) gift from Danielle!
Jack took this picture of Stenn and me. Unfortunately it is quite blurry. It seems like just yesterday I was Stenn's age running around in my grandparents backyard. A lot of fun memories in this backyard :)
I remember being a little girl sitting at the table for dinner (the same table that was in their home when my mom met my dad at age 16) and my grandpa would (in my imagination) yell, (but I realize now he was not yelling, just intensely encouraging) "manji no beva!" meaning "eat don't drink!" in Italian. I would always drink my apple juice instead of eating my food! (hope my translation is correct . . . Sarah?)

Sarah may know of this translation is correct - bit she doesn't follow the advice! ;)
Gina we should get together while I am still jobless - I will come to you! Maybe we do a Friday with Sardh too? I have O home on Thursdays & both kids in Fridays...let me know!!
Yes, Stenn looks like his mama! How cute are you two? I was looking back and forth and smiling so big b/c your smiles were so big. funny. Go Preschool! Don't you just love the preschool stage? love it. so cute. Grandpa:( Orange:) That Stenn keeps getting cuter!! Hi Harm!
Translation is good. Spelling needs work.
I thought it was "manja" but the internet told me it was spelled "manji" pronounced "manja"???
After seeing your baby picture, I know why you like orange! You woke up to it every morning! I am soooo impressed with your energy Gina. You take your boys all over and still have a smile on your face. AND...I'm impressed you are wearing heels in your Grandpa's backyard. I wore my first heels in a LONG time this weekend and had to take baby steps for fear of falling down. I seriously shuffled during our entire date night. Poor Matt had to wait for me!!! Miss you, friend!
great photos as always . . . love the way stennerman is looking at frankie :)
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