Jack adores Stenn and vice-versa. This morning he said "Stenn you are my best friend!" He runs to his door in the morning when he heres him wake up and wants to be near him all of the time. If Stenn has to take a nap, Jack asks if Stenn can play with him as soon as he wakes up! Katie Cooper said to me shortly after I delivered Stenn "You just gave Jack the greatest gift of his life." I treasured that then, but now I treasure those words even more. I never knew how soon I would realize those incredible words she said to me. It's magical.

Jack road his first pony!!!! And was thrilled about it! No drama at all! His pony, Schroeder, was gentle and sweet.

Stenn got to sit for a picture!

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you! This is Jack on the Northstar bungee jumper! He said he wanted to do it - and he did!!!!

The girl loved him - the timer went off and the girl gave him another 10 minutes AND he did a back flip!!!

Patrick dug a whole for both the boys. Stenn LOVED this. He actually sat for hours! It was precious watching Stenn discover sand!

1 comment:
OK, I finally got an account so I can comment on your wonderful photo essays. Spoke with Sandy the other day and heard that you all had a wonderful time and it shows. The boys look great and Stenn is such a big boy sitting up like that all by himself. We are taking off for Gold Beach over Labor Day to be with Ken and Sam and Avery and Felix. Can't wait. See you all soon I hope.
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