Bathtime in the big bath now!!!!

Big boy bed for Jack now too!!!

Stenny got to meet Great Grandpa John!!! 95 by the way! It was wonderful because when Grandpa first held Jack he screamed hysterically! It was stressful for everyone. This was peaceful and precious!

Happy 12 weeks Stenny!!!! How is it possible that he has been here 12 weeks already? How is it possible to grow so madly in love so quickly with such a small little being? I am soooo crazy about this little peanut I can't even take it!!!

Yes - this is Jack's new lime green 1970's shag carpet - back in full effect!

This photo cracks me up. Jack took a bath this morning and when he got out he asked for his "bathrobe." Bathrobe? No one in this house uses a "bathrobe." (not often anyway - and who uses the word "bathrobe?") I cracked up! He has had this infant bathrobe hanging from his hook since he was a baby. I got it out and he was thrilled! It's pretty hysterical. Stenn thinks everything his brother does is fascinating!

That Stenn is CUUUTE! The pic of Jack in the bathrobe is hilarious. Jessica has one of Ryan in a 9 month robe and its hilarious. So funny that they want bathrobes!!
My favorite is the one of Stenn in the brown and white striped outfit looking right at the camera! HANDSOME!!!! Adn the bathrobe is hilarious! :)
That was me, by the way. :)
I am in LOVE with Jack's face in the bathrobe pic. So freaking cute!! Stenn has changed a lot since I saw him last. I also really love the pic James is talking about. Thanks for posting more pics G. I was having nephew withdrawls. BIG TIME!
Oh, hi Carrie! :)
Honestly, Gina, Stenn is sooooooooo CUTE. He just has this perfect little face. And he just seems patient...I think I can tell that from his eyes. There is definitely patience there. Oh, I want to hold him!!! I love the pic of Jack in his bathrobe. Isn't it so funny what they pick up on and remember??
so fun you had the Valentine party!! 12 weeks already! It goes so fast with the second one...he is just precious:)
I'm loving all these pictures; your boys are absolutely beautiful and precious!!
Cute pics of Stenn! I think I got Jack the bathrobe. That was a ridiculous gift, I think I owe you a new one. And love the pics of Grandpa - that man is a dancing fool. Smooch.
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