Happy Saint Patrick's Day! So fun to see Stenny in this outfit - it was one of my favorites with Jack. Stenn is watching his first Baby Einstein here - here could not take his eyes off of it! He is growing tooooo quickly! This is Stenn in the evening being so patient with me as I pruned the garden. Stenn gave us a hint of giggles on Monday night - but the little leprechaun gave us more the night of St. Patrick's Day!
Harmony and her wonderful boyfriend Steve Dumbrowski (yes LMU Lions - Todd's older brother) drove up from Southern California to meet Stenny - and for us to meet Steve. Thank you so much for making that long drive up to meet our new little man! It was so fun having you and making a great memory.
Stenn turned 3 months on Sunday - How has the time flown by so quickly? I still feel as though he is brand new - well I suppose only 3 months on this planet is still considered brand new...
Last week I took the boys to the zoo all by myself. For those of you that have three or more children, you may not think that is a big deal - but for me - it was a big deal! It went really smoothly so we decided to go back again today with my mom. It was a beautiful day! A picture of me with my boys! I realized the other day something quite sad. The only pictures I have with the boys are the ones from the hospital, the one on the couch when I got home, and none, I repeat NONE with just Stenny and me. I am the one always taking the pictures. (And to be honest I always look so exhausted I do not ever want to be in pictures - but now that Stenn is 3 months I regret it). My mom got a shot of the boys and me at the zoo - I love this photo. My little peeping Jack Umma and Jack took a choo choo train ride - Jack asked the conductor if he could sit in the "boose" (the caboose). Jack was a PROUD ticket holder! Some afternoon shots of Stennerman.
We had a neighborhood Valentine-making playdate! It was so much fun! Bathtime in the big bath now!!!! Big boy bed for Jack now too!!! Stenny got to meet Great Grandpa John!!! 95 by the way! It was wonderful because when Grandpa first held Jack he screamed hysterically! It was stressful for everyone. This was peaceful and precious! Happy 12 weeks Stenny!!!! How is it possible that he has been here 12 weeks already? How is it possible to grow so madly in love so quickly with such a small little being? I am soooo crazy about this little peanut I can't even take it!!! Yes - this is Jack's new lime green 1970's shag carpet - back in full effect! This photo cracks me up. Jack took a bath this morning and when he got out he asked for his "bathrobe." Bathrobe? No one in this house uses a "bathrobe." (not often anyway - and who uses the word "bathrobe?") I cracked up! He has had this infant bathrobe hanging from his hook since he was a baby. I got it out and he was thrilled! It's pretty hysterical. Stenn thinks everything his brother does is fascinating!