Charlie and Jack lead the way toward the end of the pier to the aquarium!

See the star fish!!!

Baby Lulu turned 6 months while were there on the 12th!

We had an evening picnic at the park where the adults chatted and the kids played ring around the rosie, flew a kite, and played ball!

My dear friends SURPRISED me with an intimate baby shower on the beach!!! An even bigger suprise was seeing the tow Katies! (Gibson and Cooper!)

There were home-made box lunches, mimosas, music, cupcakes, a gift card, and a beautiful book filled with words of affirmation written to baby #2! Such a joy and SUCH A SURPRISE! Thank you!!!

Four little monkeys jumpin' on the bed!!!

Stacy and Nicole made the kids a precious lunch one day with dinosaur shaped sandwiches while Carrie and I manned the kids!

Jack was invited to TWO tea parties while we were there! This was Charlie's tea party - he only threw the cups a few times!

We got to see Harmony!!!

Siena and Jack having an afternoon cup of milk

Baby Sawyer is growing quickly! 5 months tomorrow - the 18th!

Siena's tea party - Nicole uses real water with Siena. This was classic - Siena did not have a drop on her while Jack looked like he just got out of the shower when it was over! Pretty funny - at least he was game to participate!

Such a great time - home all this week - then off to celebrate Grandpa Woods' birthday in Tahoe! It seems as though August always is jammed packed - ALL with come to a screaching hault this winter!!!! Feeling the baby all the time now - amazing how it goes from a flutter to real kicks in a few short weeks!
I had so much fun looking at your pictures. And, soooo funny how Siena was dry and Jack was wet. I served dinner to two girls around Ryan's age, and they were so good about eating...Ryan was a mess.
Love the intimate shower for you! Great friends.
Great trip G! Cute pics of all the kids playing together! So fun that they are all so close in age. It was fun surprising you! Glad it was such a hit!
Funny.....Sue is always clean and Malyn is always a mess. Guess its not just boys;)
Wish we could see you more! Love you, thanks for meeting me in Santa Monica. It was such a treat! xoxoxo
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