My attempt at a cake!
A BIG cake that is!
Yesterday morning on his birthday Jack had his 2 year check up where he weighed in at 24 lbs!
When our friends in the neighborhood asked us what we were doing for Jack's birthday and I told them nothing - they were SO kind to invite us to the Natomas Park Clubhouse to do some swimming! We were so grateful! I made cupcakes and brought some fun pool trinkets for his four little friends :)
Our friends, the Zitzlspergers, introduced us to the new family tradition of taking the picture of Jack at his exact birth time, 5:00 each year he actually lives with us! I thought this picture was absolutely precious! It captures his sweet demeanor, his joy for fun, and contagious smile! This was his 5:00 snapshot :)
His 5:00 snapshot last year. Amazing what a year does!
On the evening of is birthday he received a NEW CAR from his Uma & Auntie Carolyn!
He LOVED it!
It is so fun watching him grow up! He is such a joy in our lives! Happy Birthday Big Boy!
OHH Gina, the pic of him from last year and this year are soooo CUTE! Love that idea!!The watermelon shot is priceless!
Nice cake!! Looks SO yummy!!
Happy two years!!
What a fun post!!! And, the cake you made is amazing! nice work.
love the 5:00pm shots! great idea.
There are just so many things I love about this post. The cake (amazing, Gina!), the 5:00 shot (so much fun comparing year to year), Jack in his new car, the star sunglasses and the shot of him in the moses basket. Oh he is getting so big. Enjoy every moment!! Happy 2 years Jack!!
Happy Birthday Jack Patrick! You are such a precious boy.Love the cake and am craving it right now.
happy birthday Jack! we love you and I love the watermelon picture!
Happy Birthday Jack! You are such a big boy and are going to be the best big brother!!
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