Jack had his 9 month appointment yesterday. Going into the appointment I thought FOR SURE he was at least 18 lbs. - gaining around 3 pounds from his 6 month appointment. Well - I was WRONG! He was only 16 lbs. 13 oz.! I thought for sure he fell off the growth chart - but he is hanging on by a thread - he is in the 5th percentile! He grew two whole inches, pushing him from the 50th to the 70th percentile in height. His head, of course, remains at the 75th percentile! The doctor has no concern for his weight - he eats incredibly - loves ALL foods except for peas. He is addicted to blackberries! Jack clearly takes after the Guerrini side of the family - if you have met them, you have seen they are all
very lean! She was impressed with his social and verba skills and thinks he will be crawling by the end of the week! P and I have said that for 2 weeks though! We will see! I will try to get the "wounded soldier" crawling on video to post. It looks like he is trying to escape a mine field after being injured!

Sarah's Marco discovered himself in the mirror at only weeks old - Jack REALLY just noticed yesterday at the doctor's office! He was ENTHRALLED! Laughing, touching, clapping, it was hysterical - wish I had the video!

After his doctor's appointment Jack went down for a long nap - When I walked in to get him I discovered THIS! He was sitting up all by himself waiting for me smiling through his pacifier like a big shot! This was first time he ever went from a laying down position to sitting on his own! It is all happening so fast!
These are the stolen moments! This is so cute.
He is changing so much! So grown up, but I must ask again, are we sure this is your blond baby?
Darling pics of the discovery of himself in the mirror.
I see a little bit of you in the first mirror picture...not sure what it is-but a little g is in there somewhere
How darling at the mirror pics? he loves himself:)
and the crib pic is sooo sweet. what a precious little moment.
did you get a new bumper?
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