I was scanning through iTunes and found these albums of famous artists turned into lullabies. They have U2, The Eagles, The Beatles (or the Bee-els if you want to pronounce it with a british accent), Green Day, Coldplay and on and on. I have purchased the U2 one so far, but they all sound really great. Just thought I would share.

Click here to go to these albums in iTunes.And if you don't have iTunes,
click here. (stacy)
come on techy.....where is the link to hear the music? you just might be the quickiest blog pro! stace
I second that. you should be a computer something or other. You are about the fastest at blogging and about everything else with computers. you know nama's have to get the music too, so we can stay updated.
very cool!! We will have to check it out! My husband is a huge U2 fan!
very cool!! We will have to check it out! My husband is a huge U2 fan!
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