Hello everyone!
I wanted to thank all of you for your love and support. I know a lot of you have called and are waiting to hear back from us and I apologize for that.
I really had no idea what this can take out of you (read Gina) until you go through it. After 28-ish hours of labor, 7 hours of sleep in 70+, the shock of no epidural for the last hour and eight minutes of pushing/delivery, and now getting the hang of breast feeding, she is needless to say a EXTREMELY exhausted. She is a real trooper and I am so proud of her!
So, for now my focus is on making sure Gina is taken care of and getting her rest. You all know Gina though and know that she won't be able to resist catching up with you soon.
I will be updating the blog as it seems the best way to update everyone while time is so precious. Thank you all for your posts too! I read them to Gina as we go to sleep and they mean the world to us.
Love to you all!
Patrick, Gina & Jackaroo
I am so proud of both of you. It is an amazing journey to become a parent and the road is not always easy, but so worth it. I love you both and will always keep you in my prayers. See you on Monday with a meal.
Lisa Wight
I love that he has blonde hair!!!!! he is sooooo cute! love yall and thinking about you! stace
Wow you have gone above and beyond the call of duty with the updates and I hope you do take a rest from it. We'll all still be here and read the updates when you are able. Don't worry about anyone. Just you three, for right now. I'll keep you all in my prayers as you begin a routine and get into being a family of three.
Love "P"
gina, I know how tired you must be! But boy is he worth it!:) Keep up the good work1
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