Gina had six back to back contractions and jack was not a fan. So the nurse put g on o2 and stopped the pitosin for 30 minutes. We are now back on the pitosin and the o2 is helping g rest. We are also in the "Texas Roll" to help get jack to drop better. I love my wife and all that she is doing to give us a family!! We are on 20 hours since we got the ball rolling. 5 centimeters and counting!
GOOD JOB GINA!!! I so know how you are feeling!! And Pdid, Boo totally understands how you are feeling. I believe that epidurals are Gods gift women. remember there are those that labor without epidurals (more power to 'em)! LOVE YOU G!! stace
Way to go Gina. Won't be long now. I also know how any grandma's are feeling about now. Jack was just so comfy in there but I think he's getting the picture now. Keep up the good work, both of you.
Love N "P"
We are praying for you Gina!!! You are such a trooper! And thank you Patrick for keeping us all updated. We can't wait to meet little Jack.
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