Jack was due June 18th - After many days, the doctor and the Woods decided to induce the 11th/12th day. We go in tomorrow - June 29th at noon. When will he come??? Will it be tomorrow? Will it be Saturday? Gina feels great! Other than swelling and heart burn that still continue, she feels awesome. She has finally been sleeping better! She is anxious about tomorrow but looks forward to the outcome . . .
Gina - doing a final check of her hospital bag.

Yay! All Done!

Look at that belly

Gina and Patrick,
We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Jack Patrick. Gina you look so cute by the way : )
What a great sport you are to go this far past your due date! Hopefully Jack blesses you with a easy delivery and that he sleeps through the night right away. Well, we can dream can't we?
Love, Team Rillos
Love the blog! Can't wait to see pics of Jack Patrick and read about his entry into this world. We'll be praying for you today!
Love Matt & Shell
Come on JACK!!!!! Thank you for getting this up and running so we can see him right away! G, you do still look so darling! Nice work sista! stace
O great that you made a blog. So glad as I just bug Stacy about how everyone is doing. Gina you look wonderful and your belly is beautiful. Everything is set and ready to go. I'll be watching for the next entry----baby Jack I'm hoping.
Love Nama "P"
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