Grandpa Bill - who really goes by "Trampa Bill" in our house is recovering from his LONG ten hour surgery that we all so anxiously had been awaiting for months. We took this picture and had it made into a 3' by 2' poster to hang in all his hospital rooms (ICU, ACU, and regular patient). It was close to the first thing he saw when he woke from surgery. The precious nurse actually took the bulletin board off the wall and put it right in front of him moments after he came out of anesthesia. Bill says it means the world to him. He says that all of the patients that get wheeled by stop and make a comment, as well as the all the new shift doctors and nurses. Bill is still in the ICU and taking it day by day. Thank you all for your phone calls, emails, text messages and PRAYERS especially. Praise God!! He was watching over Bill the entire time and continues to!!!!

The poster hangs right next to his ocean view window!