Stenn was dedicated at church on December 5th!

Deanne (with Cole & Kate) was visiting her parents in Granite Bay December 6th!

Grandma & Grandpa & Santa got Jack a scooter for Christmas!

My girlfriend Cara, from Regus, bought Stenn this airplane when he was born - we put it together for Christmas!

On the 29th we packed up and drove up north to see the Brachs in Portland. It was a quick trip but worth every minute! The drive there is absolutely gorgeous.

Nolan & me at the AMAZING Oregon zoo (Nolan is now 6 1/2!)

Jack and Mila (Mila just turned 4 on the 28th)

They has POLAR BEARS there! One cam up to say hi to the kids - it was pretty incredible. The thing is the size of a volkswagon! Anya was there too - now 18 months!