He loved being greeted to singing Happy Birthday!

Of course big brother asked for a candle after Stenn got to have his :)

Stenn gained two pounds in 8 weeks in the late summer, then two pounds in SIX weeks in the fall! I assumed he would have been at least 21 lbs because he was 19.6 at a sick appointment on October 27th (roseola). However since then he has not really had an appetite, has fought a cold here and there and is teething up a storm! Only a four ounce weight gain this time at 19.10 lbs! I was surprised, because I really did not think his loss of appetite would really effect him that much. He is also all over the place and very active (he walks with his push walker, cruises all over the furniture and crawls like the speed of lightening!) - maybe that has something to do with it. On the other hand it was a record breaking day in the Woods household. A one year old actually made the growth chart!!! A 10th % marking - but on the growth chart nonetheless!!!! Soooo - statistics at 12 months > 10% weight 25% height and of course 75% head! Doctor said he's growing beautifully! She then opened his mouth and literally let out a gasp! She said his entire mouth was swollen and then said "Oh my gosh he is getting a molar!" Poor guy! No wonder he has not been himself lately!
I cannot believe you are one!

10:07 PM picture

What a blessing he is - so fun to celebrate him!!!!! I love you my Stenny Benny Stennerman!!!!