Carrie left the girls with her folks in Portland and flew into Sacramento for two days! She was AMAZING! She cooked went grocery shopping, made multiple meals, did our laundry, played with Jack and snuggled Stenn endlessly!!! It was such a treat to have her here. She really spoiled us. I appreciate her patience with Jack, considering every 30 seconds he would say "Come on Care, come play with me, come on Care!!!" I don't know what was cuter, him calling her Care or her dropping anything she was doing to stop and play with him!

Day before his one month birthday

One month Birthday Bath (wish I would have gotten better one month birthday pictures - the day goes by so fast)!

Friday - A visit from Heather, Sarah and the kids!

Marco Cecchin, Nikos & Olive Romios, Jack, Stenn

Jack has been pretty amazing with Stenn - always concerned about him and wantingto know where he is. Every time Stenn is on the play mat Jack lays there with him.

Saturday - A visit from Danielle and Dad! AKA "Trampa Tom & Dani"

Sunday - A visit from Grandma Sandy and "Trampa Bill"

And now..... time to rest....
THANK YOU EVERYONE for loving the boys and coming to visit!