Twas' the night before Christmas

Corie got Jack a Woody hat AND cowboy boots! A huge hit!

Grandma Shirley MILLER Teasdale - Stenn's middle name is after her

Matching Christmas get-ups! So fun :)

This shot makes my heart melt! My whole family snuggling on the
couch. Life IS good.
Christmas did come early in the Woods house!
Stenn was thoughtful enough to bring Jack a Buzz Lightyear toy. He has
learned early how to win over the big brother.
Thank you everyone for your comments, thoughts and prayers! Hopefully
we didn't keep you up too late.
Seriously though. We are slow and steady, but Gina is doing great. Who
knows we could have a dec 8th baby... (blog hits just dropped through
the floor with that comment as everyone decides to go to sleep ;-)
I am so amazed at the strength of my wife. What she goes through to
provide us with a family...
Thank you for all of your comments! I read tem to her in between
Moving right along...
She is almost all better now and we are moving right along. She is 6 cm!
Gina's quote of the hour " this is sooo typical!"
Gina is a trooper. Her contractions have started and while they aren't
super intense yet, the anxiety of what is to come is mounting.
Our nurse Alison has been amazing and of course she is gina's new bff!