Bishops Pumpkin Patch 2007

We took Jack back to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch this year. Back to the middle of NO WHERE, but very worth it! It was so much more fun this year because Jack actually understood where we were going and what we were there to do!

train ride

roasted corn . . . a MUST

A hayride driven by a John Deer out to the pumpkin patch

67 acres of pumpkins on their vines! (that is Jack and Patrick)
Jack ended up picking three small pumpkins - a very dark green one, a green and orange one and a plain orange one. We are saying the 2 extra are for baby and Calvin. Of course P had to go to the farthest end of the patch to pick the biggest and heaviest pumpkin he could find! Me, I picked what I could carry (which was a site with the belly & the melting down 2 year old in the middle of acres of pumpkins and the heat pounding on our heads - let me tell you)! A reminder NOT to wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt to the middle of nowhere-farm-land next year!

This year they had a hay-bounce. We guessed there were old spring mattresses under all this hay - either way, or whatever it was, it was genius! The children - especially Mr. Jumpin' Jack LOVED it!!!!

This sow was big, happy, nursing, and loving the attention away from her many piglets - she was fun to watch!

We fed the goats - many of them babies - Jack thought the grains we were feeding them were rocks. The goats were mainly interested in the ice-cream cone the grains came it. This was a really fun experience!

Life as a mother. Period.